We started the day with waffles on the deck outside the hotel, and other than the loud smelly traffic 20 yards away, it was wonderful to sit outside in the cool breeze.
The Black Canyon Harley Davidson shop opened at 8:30 and we were there right after that as my friends contemplated new tires for their Ultra Glide. The service manager said it would be after noon before he could work on it, and it would take 2 hours. As we discussed the options, the manager came back over and said that another customer heard their situation and offered to give up his slot so they could get new tires right away. That was very cool.
So he rode his Harley in and they started to work. We chatted with the other customer for a while, then I said my goodbye's and started my own journey home.
I didn't take many pictures since I was riding the exact same ride I did on the way out. I probably could have gotten some good shots, but I was in going home mode and just not thinking about scenery.
As I approachd Salina, I remembered a Mexican restauraunt that we love to eat at in Buena Vista so I turned North rather than going towards Canon City. I ate lunch at the Coyote Cantina which as still very good and filled with other Bikers, then headed East on 24.
I finally pulled the camera out as Pike's Peak came into view.
Near Lake George, I turned off on the Badger Flats dirt road. I am a member of the Colorado Springs Astronomy Club, and this weekend was the club's annual Rocky Mountain Star Stare ( www.rmss.org ). I was signed up to go, but when my friends wanted to go riding, that took priority. I figured I should at least go by and say hello, and maybe even eat dinner and look at stars for a few hours.
I found a good friend and co-worker right as I pulled into RMSS, so we went to check out his new telescope. He got a 12.5" truss dobsonian, a full set of eye pieces, laser alignment tool, and a bunch of other stuff for a steal. It's a great setup and I was jealous.
We chatted with a few others as the dinner began to be setup. Then the wind picked up and clouds fomed. Pretty soon everyone was scrambling to cover telescopes, button up tents, and get ready for rain. So I hopped back on my bike and headed out without my dinner. I rode in on 3 miles of dirt just fine, but I didn't want to ride out on 3 miles of mud.
I got wet for the last 1/2 mile, and as I hit the highway the rain really came down. I rode through the rain and eventually came out the front edge near Woodland Park. The rain didn't seem to be progressing so I stopped at Wendy's for a cup of chili to warm me up.
As I rode highway 24 towards Colorado Springs, I again went through some turns that I've ridden in the past. Usually I slow way down an pick my way through because I'm a little hesitant. But after 7 days of continuous riding, and especially after riding day 5 through Escalante and over Boulder Mountain, I realized that these turns that I've always been hesitant through are just nice high speed sweeper. I rode easy through them at the speed limit (and a bit above sometimes) and enjoyed the last turns of my trip.
In Manitou, I turned off of 24 into the back side of the Garden of the Gods. This is one of my favorite places to ride. I often go here for lunch or just to cruise around looking at the beautiful formations. I took a few pictures with my newly acquired skills, then headed for the freeway and home.
I pulled up to the house with 2016 miles showing on the trip odometer.
The trip was fantastic. I loved my initial rides alone. I had the most fun riding behind John and Angela through Zion, Bryce, Escalante, and Boulder. But seeing my wife and family was the best part of the whole trip. I hope to do aother trip like that again, but day in and day out, home and family is the best vaccation.
Coyote Cantina where I had lunch
This is how I arranged my bag and backrest. The backrest was made to sit 3 inches forward and 2 or 3 inches lower.
The straight boring part of Highway 24. There are often buffalo heards in the fields beside the road.
This is at Wilkinson Pass and that's Pike's Peak in the background
Garden of the Gods
One last shot of Pike's Peak from the garden
Here's a few other photos from my friend's camera
Me riding into Zion
Angela and I chatting while we wait for 1 mile tunnel to open
Another of me
Me riding near Arches & Moab
Me putting slowly around Arches without a helmet or jacket (pre-deer)
I'm really not sure where this is. Probably Arches as we left.
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