Tuesday, September 3, 2019

2019 Pacific Coast Highway - Staging

2019 Riding California and the PCH

Most summers Nan and I go on a motorcycle ride with my friend John and his wife Angela.  Nan doesn't actually like riding the motorcycle, so she usually follows in a car.  And many years we ride with a larger group of riders.

But this summer my youngest daughter was expecting her first baby, and no amount of "cool views" was going to make Nan leave her baby girl, before, during, or even after the birth.

My daughter  Kadi did have her baby last week.  A healthy little boy she named Emmitt.  Grandma, Mom, Dad, and Son are all healthy and happy.  Grandpa is ok too, but he's heading off on a nice ride to celebrate the birth of grandchild number 7.  You know, celebrate life and that whole thing.

The plan originally was to leave on Tuesday, September 3rd and ride to Las Vegas.  I would tow the bike on a trailer, leave the car and trailer at a friend's house while I rode around California.

Then Nan decided that she wanted me to bring her mother (Granny) back with me when I was done.  So I changed from Las Vegas to Kingman Arizona, and I would leave the car and trailer with our nephew Kevin.  A few days before I finish my ride, Kevin would go to Coolidge and bring Granny to Kingman.  Then I would reload the bike and Granny and head home.  The bike on the trailer and Granny in the front seat, gotta remember that order.

Then a few days ago I decided that I hadn't seen my brothers since our mother had passed away, so plans changed again.  I left on Sunday Morning, Septemer 1st and towed the bike to  Queen creek.  I stayed with the same friend, John, but I spent the next 2 days visiting with my brothers Mike and Rob.  I really love seeing them.

Today (Tuesday the 3rd) I drove from Queen Creek up to Kingman as originally planned.  I'm doing my last minute preparation and packing, then tomorrow morning I will head off for 10 days of glorious motorcycle riding with friends.

It might be September, but Arizona doesn't know what that means.  It's still well over 100 degrees and I haven't lived through an Arizona summer in 17 years.  I can't take it anymore.

Trailering the bike to Kingman was more than just a place to pick up granny.  It means that my first day and hottest day of riding will only be 5 hours long rather than the 9 or 10 hours it would be if I rode from Phoenix.

I can't stress that enough, 5 verses 10 ours in the desert heat, and hopefully I can get up early enough that most of those 5 hours are in the cool of the morning.

Planned route for the ride (not including my Colorado commute)

Kadi, David, and baby Emmitt

Unloading the Bike in front of Kevin's house

The scenic view out Kevin's back porch

The view from the porch, at the top of a hill

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing Clay, you're a natural writer and I look forward to reading more updates. Have a great trip!
