This morning we were splitting up. The girls were going to drive over to Reno and catch a flight home. John and I were going to ride up into Oregon and keep riding for another week.
But first, Nannette wanted to visit yet another missionary that we knew serving up in this area. Elder Thurber is serving in McKinleyville which is just 10 miles North of Eureka. She and I drove up at 8:00 and called him on the way. We chatted for a bit and took a picture. Nan kept talking about him going home and what he would do when he got home. When we got in the car I said "Usually dear you don't talk to missionaries about home" to which she replied "He goes home in 10 days so its OK".
On the way back, we passed highway 299 which the girls were going to take to Reno, but the electronic signs said the road was closed due to wildfires.
We met the others back at our hotel and went for one last breakfast together. We talked about what other roads they could take to Reno and decided on highway 36. We were right by the Harley dealer, so we walked in there to look around, then gassed the car and bikes up and posed for one last picture.
Then the girls headed South, and John and I headed North.
As John and I got up near Crescent City, we saw that the highway we wanted to ride (199) was also closed due to wildfires. We tried a couple of alternates but finally we just went to a restaurant for an early lunch to figure things out. There was no way to get to our first night's lodging before midnight, so we called and tried to cancel all of our reservations. All were fine except one KOA in Lincoln City. They'd let us move a night, but not cancel. So we decided to ride to Bend for the first night, then Lincoln City for the second.
On the way to Bend we crossed into Oregon, so we stopped to get pictures of the state signs. There was also a group of teen agers on bikes taking their pictures too. We offered to take group pictures of them. The oldest might have been 20, but there were allot in their early teens. They were riding from Seattle to San Francisco as a group, 850 miles.
We started seeing the beautiful Oregon coastline and stopped several times for pictures. But even with stops and lollygagging, we got to the KOA by 5:30, so we had a very leisure night. The KOA was right off of the highway, but was completely wooded. All of the campsites and cabins had trees in and around it. You could barely see from one site to the next.
There was a hamburger stand setup next to the office and we got burgers and fries there for dinner.
Nannette, Elder Thurber, and his companion
All of us for one last picture
John walking up to a Redwood by the road
John at the base of the tree (someone drove by and yelled "TREE HUGGER")
Entering Oregon
The bike group writing their names on the California sign
The California sign
Very typical Oregon stretch of the 101. A swath through the forest with a wall of trees on each side
Some of the Oregon Coast road
The Oregon coast with "Haystacks" out in the water
Our cabin at the KOA
The bunk bed in the cabin. There was also a queen bed
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