Klair attended a 3 week summer session at Adams State in July, but that time it only required the trunk of my car to carry all of her stuff. This time we had to take the seats out of our van and practically strap Klair to the luggage rack in order to carry everything she felt she'd need to survive for a year. We bought a small refrigerator from another college student we know, and claimed a microwave oven from my oldest daughter Koren when they moved out of our house into their own house a few weeks ago. (I'm sure enough of our stuff migrated to her new house to more than pay for the microwave).
I went to work on Tuesday, and the plan was for me to go home around 3:00, pack up, and start the drive down at about 5:00. But at 1:00 my cell phone rang. Klair was calling to ask if I couldn't please hurry and come home so she could get going to college. Not since she was 5 years old have I heard Klair whine to go to school.
I did get home before 2:00. Klair and Nannette had already packed most of the van, so I just needed to put together my motorcycle trailer, load the bike, and pack my bag. I'm taking the motorcycle because I'm going to take a 4 day motorcycle ride after we drop Klair off, but REALLY, I'm there for Klair, not the ride.
We listened to Klair's Hairspray album part of the way down and she sang loud and happy with the music. She had to tell us half the story of each song and just how good a femal actor John Travolta was. Then we listened to a dramatized version of Tom Sawyer while Nannette tried to get some sleep.
The next morning we got to the college at 8:00 and started all the paperwork to get Klair checked in. Carrying all that stuff up to her room on the 3rd floor wasn't fun. Especially the fridge. In Colorado Springs, we live around 6,700 feet altitude, but Alamosa is over 7,500 and we could feel the difference. At least that's what Nan and I kept telling ourselves as we huffed and puffed up 2 flights of stairs. Finally her stuff was in the room and I started setting up the computer and stuff while Nan unpacked clothes. I'm not sure what Klair was doing besides dancing in the middle of the room and giggling.
Her room mate arrived at 9:00 and Klair left to help her bring her stuff in. After a quick trip to Walmart for extension cords and storage boxes, we had her room ready. Now it was time to go see about paying for all of this luxury. If you're interested, her semester with books, tuition, dorm, and food was just about $5,500. I'm told that's very cheap compared to allot of the bigger Universities.
We said our goodbyes out by the van. Klair was still grinning and excited and hugging everyone she saw and thought she knew. We will miss that sweet spirit of love in our home for the next few months. Parent's weekend is over Labor day and we plan to come visit and embarass Klair just as much as we can.
This was a few days before we left, but it was fun taking Klair's niece Sydnee & nephew Beckham to lunch
Klair and Nannette sitting patiently while I strap down the bike
Me and Klair
Loading Klair where she'd have to ride (not really)
Waiting in line to check-in
All of Klair's stuff ready to be carried up to the 3rd floor.
Putting her stuff away
Mother and Daughter
Me setting up her computer
Klair, her room mate (in pink) and a girl from the adjoining room (2 rooms share a bathroom)
Clay (me), Klair, and Nannette
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