After making the ornaments, I posted on facebook offering to cut an ornament for anyone who wanted one.
In response, on of my niece's send me a message asking if I had any Christ centered ornaments. After giving it some thought, I realized that I didn't have any, so I figured I should remedy that.
I spent the next month designing ornaments that could be used to illustrate the Nativity story. I wound up designing 21 ornaments and writing a version of the Nativity story that could be read while placing the ornaments on the Christmas tree.
I have created a PDF coloring book version so people can download it and print it off for themselves. I'd suggest printing the last pages with the ornaments on cardstock. It dost 20 cents per copy at Kinkos to copy to cardstock.
Color the ornaments, then cut them out and hang them on the tree as you read the Christmas story.
PDF with Christmas Story and Ornaments as Coloring Cutouts
PDF with Ornament Patterns to cutout on a Scroll Saw